You don’t have
to face cancer alone

That’s why we’re here

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Our Mission

Our Mission

Faith & Gratitude is a non-profit organization that provides empowerment and education to cancer patients. We realize everyone’s journey is unique.

Our mission is to arm patients with the knowledge and resources to strengthen their mind, body & spirit during treatment and beyond. Our outreach programs are free of charge.

Faith & Gratitude

Become Empowered

It's easy to feel helpless when diagnosed with cancer. We understand. Inspired by our own experiences, we're passionate about empowering you to face your cancer journey with courage and confidence.

Discover a Host of Support with Faith & Gratitude

Boost your immune system by learning about Nutrition and Supplements

Boost your immune system by learning about Nutrition and Supplements

Find guidance for your treatment with our Cancer Resource Guide

Find guidance for your treatment with our Cancer Resource Guide

Support your mind, body, and spirit by reading about Complementary Therapies

Support your mind, body, and spirit by reading about Complementary Therapies

Stay informed with access to compelling, Integrative Cancer-Fighting Research

Stay informed with access to compelling, Integrative Cancer-Fighting Research

Fuel your mind & body with Inspiring Books & Healthy Recipes

Fuel your mind & body with Inspiring Books & Healthy Recipes

Learn more by joining one of our Cancer Wellness Events

Learn more by joining one of our Cancer Wellness Events

I find what Faith & Gratitude has accomplished amazing!

I believe in the mission.

Mary M. —Pittsburgh, PA

The Cancer Resource Guide is wonderful and so well organized.

I’m so happy I was referred to the organization!

Peggy D. —OH

The Faith & Gratitude group has been such a wealth of information, support and love during my experience with cancer.

From the first meeting I joined, I knew this was my tribe. We support each other, laugh together and share information. It’s been a wonderful resource for me. Thank you!

Beth M. —Wake Forest, NC

Upon receiving an “ovarian cancer’ diagnosis, my wife plunged into darkness – understandably so.  A few months into the treatment / surgeries, she happened upon Faith & Gratitude.

Within days, my wife’s outlook did a complete 180! The friendships formed have been nothing short of life-changing.  They provide emotional support, inspiration and compassion.  Truly a Godsend.

Bill C. —Pittsburgh, PA

Faith & Gratitude has honestly been the greatest thing that has happened to me since my diagnosis in April of 2022.  A few months into my journey, I needed to reach outside my comfort zone for emotional support.

I was given a Cancer Resource Guide and decided to take a leap of faith and join their online support group, the Celebration Circle.  It has been a Godsend.  I have made so many friendships and I wouldn’t have otherwise.  We laugh, we cry, and we all understand each other.

Jennell B. —Pittsburgh, PA

I thought I was doing pretty well after breast cancer treatments.

Then I became part of Faith & Gratitude and met new friends who assured me, affirmed me, taught me and cheered me forward.  They brought out the best in me.  I’m stronger than ever.

Maria D. —Pittsburgh, PA

Faith & Gratitude has helped me so much as I was navigating the uncharted territory of a cancer diagnosis

I learned about complementary therapies to help my spirit stay strong and about essential oils to support my immune system. Faith & Gratitude has been a true Godsend.

Beth F. —Pittsburgh, PA

Faith & Gratitude’s Cancer Resource Guide has been wonderful, especially during my chemotherapy treatments.

I actually look forward to chemo just to be able to journal in my binder. Thank you, Faith & Gratitude!

Janis R. —Marietta, GA

Faith & Gratitude has been an ABSOLUTE lifeline for me and my husband!

During the most terrifying time of our lives when we were overwhelmed with the diagnosis, chemo treatment, and gearing up to battle. Faith & Gratitude came along and helped us to gain control by adopting proven therapies and modalities for body, mind and spirit!

Jack & Tina S. —Pittsburgh, PA

Our 2024 Major Sponsors

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