Vision boards are like bulletin boards – they display a collage of pictures and words that hold deeper meaning and provide inspiration to the ‘artist’. Hopes, aspirations, and dreams are reflected on a single board to positively remind the creator of how they want to feel and just as importantly…how they want to visualize their future. It could be exceptional health, inner peace, or all of the things that you want your life to encompass.
Who Should Make a Vision Board?Vision boards are for everyone. When someone is going through a health crisis, a vision board can be an impactful visualization tool, ideal for achieving a positive mindset that promotes healing.
Creating a special space that displays what you want can truly bring it to life. Think of it this way-what we focus on expands. When you create a vision board and display it where you can see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. Or you can intentionally choose a time everyday to look at your board and envision your aspirations.
Vision boards are for everyone. When someone is going through a health crisis, a vision board can be an impactful visualization tool, ideal for achieving a positive mindset that promotes healing.
Creating a special space that displays what you want can truly bring it to life. Think of it this way-what we focus on expands. When you create a vision board and display it where you can see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. Or you can intentionally choose a time everyday to look at your board and envision your aspirations.